# UX Design

# Website Design

Geisel Library Reservation Website Redesign

Comprehensive redesign of Geisel Library's reservation website featuring real-time room updates, interactive map, and mobile-friendly interface for improved user experience
Product Designer, UX Researcher
January 2023 - March 2023
Figma, Adobe Softwares
Related Project
My focus on the Geisel Library's reservation and navigation systems began with the kiosk project. Through this work, I identified several issues within the existing reservation website and noted the lack of a navigation system. While the kiosk project prioritized addressing navigational challenges to optimize the use of study rooms, I recognized further opportunities to improve the reservation process. This led me to initiate a comprehensive redesign of the reservation website, integrating key insights and features to enhance its functionality and overall user experience.
Click here to see the kiosk project!

We followed the 4D design process, iteratively refining our research & designs to meet users’ needs.

Building a deeper understanding of the problem
Combined discovered data to identify the key problems.
Brainstorm and test possible solutions.
Narrow your focus on to the best solutions.  


Current Problem
The existing system presented several usability challenges:
  • Counter-Intuitive Time Selection Method: Users had difficulty understanding how to adjust their reservation time spans, often resulting in errors such as selecting incorrect durations or struggling to finalize bookings.

  • Limited Usability of Room Information: Users had to navigate away from the main reservation page to view details such as room capacity and available features (e.g., monitors, accessibility options), which increased the time and cognitive load required to complete a reservation.

  • Lack of Error Prevention and Feedback: Users were not adequately warned when their selected times or rooms exceeded availability, leading to confusion and frequent booking errors.

User Interview
To ensure that the redesigned Geisel Library reservation website truly meets the needs of its users, I conducted a series of user interviews, accompanied by task-based usability testing sessions. Participants were asked to complete specific tasks while I recorded their cursor movements and thought processes through Zoom. This approach allowed me to observe how users interact with the system in real-time and provided valuable insights into their decision-making processes and pain points.
The primary goal of these interviews and testing sessions was to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges students and staff face when using the existing reservation system.
Interview Process
  • Interview task
- Reserve a Study Room for Monitoring Video:
- Date: July 22
- Time: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
- Number of People: 3
- Purpose: Monitor video for a class
Reserve a Study Room for a Group Study Session:
Days: Any Monday, Wednesday, or Friday
Time: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Number of People: 12
No specific date required, any available date on the mentioned days is acceptable.
Reserve a Study Room for Extended Use:
Duration: 4 consecutive hours
Number of People: 4
No specific date and time required, any available slot is acceptable.
To gather valuable insights for the redesign, I conducted interviews with 7 participants, all of whom are in their 20s. The participants were either students or individuals who had recently started working. This demographic was chosen because they represent a key user group for the Geisel Library reservation system, frequently using study spaces for both academic and work-related tasks. The interviews focused on understanding their experiences with the current system and identifying pain points to guide the redesign process.
Key Insights
By analyzing how users navigate the site and listening to their feedback, I was able to identify key areas for improvement and prioritize the changes that would have the most significant impact on user experience. These insights were instrumental in shaping the redesign process. The feedback I gathered helped refine the user interface, streamline navigation, and introduce features that directly address the issues uncovered during the interviews. Below, I detail the key findings from these interviews and how they influenced specific aspects of the redesign.
Comparable Analysis Chart
Key Insights from the chart
  • Varied Time Selection Preferences: Users exhibited different styles when selecting time slots, which often led to errors, particularly due to unawareness of the time adjustment box located below the selection area.
  • Difficulty Finding Room Capacity and Availability: Users frequently struggled to find information about the number of seats available in rooms and their full capacity. This led to confusion and difficulty in making informed bookings.
  • Overlooked Room Features: Many users did not check the features of the study rooms before booking, which often resulted in them booking spaces that did not meet their needs.
  • Limitations on Booking Duration: Users expressed frustration with the inability to book study rooms for more than 240 minutes in one day, which did not align with their expectations.
  • Interface Navigation Issues: Room capacity details and features were not readily accessible from the main interface, requiring users to navigate through multiple pages to find this information.
  • Confusing Time Slot Availability: Unavailable time slots were not easily distinguishable from available ones, leading to confusion during the booking process.
  • Challenges in Canceling Reservations: Users found it difficult to cancel selected time slots, often resorting to refreshing the entire page, which was both inconvenient and time-consuming.




Lo-Fi & Wireframes
In the initial stages of the wireframing process, I made several key changes to improve the overall user experience of the Geisel Library reservation website. These adjustments were based on user feedback and the insights gained from the interviews:​
  • Simplified Reservation Overview: One of the main changes was restructuring the interface to allow users to view all their reservation details at a glance. This eliminated the need for multiple clicks or navigating through different pages, streamlining the booking process.

  • Easier Access to Room Information: I redesigned the layout to make room features, such as seating capacity, monitors, and accessibility options, more immediately visible. By including pop-up screens next to each room option, users could quickly check the room details without leaving the main interface.

  • Refined Filter Options: The filter system was cleaned up to allow users to easily sort and search for study rooms based on specific criteria, such as availability, room capacity, and equipment. This helped users find the perfect room for their needs without unnecessary steps.

  • Improved Time Selection Flow: The time selection process was redesigned with a dragging function, making it more intuitive for users to choose their desired time slots. Additionally, I ensured that closed or unavailable time slots were removed to prevent confusion.​

These changes in the Lo-Fi wireframe focused on making the reservation process more efficient and user-friendly, ultimately laying the groundwork for a smoother booking experience.
Draft 1
  • Created Filter Function
  • Changed location of important selection features(Time selection, Filter, Submission screen)​
  • Adapted pop up screen
Draft 2
  • Thought about changing time selection confirmation screen as a pop up screen for flexible location
Draft 3
  • Adapted pop up screen to show room features more directly
  • Created icons for room features
  • Created "My Booking" section to intuitively check past and upcoming bookings
  • Changed time selection to dragging
Draft 4
  • Rechanged location of current booking section next to time selection screen to reduce cognitive load in selecting time and date
What I learned
This project offered me invaluable insights into both the design process and user-centered thinking. From conducting user interviews to implementing feedback-driven changes, each step allowed me to deepen my understanding of design principles and their real-world applications. Here are some of the key takeaways:
In conclusion, this project not only helped me improve my technical design skills but also deepened my appreciation for a user-centered approach. Each step of the process was a learning experience that strengthened my understanding of UI/UX design fundamentals, and I am excited to carry these lessons forward into future projects.